
this is the place for my more technical projects

Pinned Projects


In Progress

Tue Oct 25 2022

A Sveltekit/Rust App to play card games

Hootsifer Bot


Mon Oct 11 2021

Discord community bot.

Portfolio Website (old)


Wed Apr 28 2021

Completely self made portfolio website made with Next.js and

All projects

Mon Jun 19 2023Nutrients Appwebsite to track Nutrient intakeFinished
Mon Jun 19 2023Habits AppApp to track daily habitsFinished
Thu Apr 20 2023Medicine CarouselIOT Medicine Carousel with laravel interfaceFinished
Sun Dec 11 2022Commissioned ProjectsVarious small projects i've been Commissioned to do In Progress
Mon Oct 10 2022Piratesimple drinking game written in plain ReactFinished
Tue Jan 25 2022Arduino piano gamemusic game made with an Arduino and laundry pegsFinished
Sat Nov 20 2021PT Remakerecreation of a popular horror game for educational purposesOn hold
Mon Nov 01 2021SortinghatSimple quiz website made as uni projectFinished
Wed Sep 15 2021Dialrotary phone smart home controllerFinished
Sat Jun 12 2021Climate PICustom air quality monitoring webpageFinished
Thu Jan 23 2020Laser cut guitarSelf made electric guitarFinished
Tue Oct 15 2019Board gameBoardgame with a digital component as a university projectFinished